Lake Water Treatments - Shop Treatments & Tests | Water Garden

Lake Water Treatments

Upgrade your lake's health and beauty with a lake water treatment and testing kit from Water Garden. With lake water quality testing tools and pond treatments specifically designed for larger bodies of water, keeping your aquatic feature in top condition has never been easier.



Lakes are living bodies of water, which change and evolve. Owing to different external
influences they sometimes silt up. This can happen quickly or more slowly depending on
the environment. This can be due to a build up of plant debris and animal waste and/or can be
aggravated by local agriculture, industrial operations and occasionally by sewage treatment
works. In most cases the excessive sludge prevents the lake being used as planned;
whether as fishing lakes, bathing, ornamental lakes or reservoirs.


       Water treatment in three easy steps.


Stabilize water




Bind excess


Before fighting algae, sludge or
excessively high nutrients, the
water parameters need to be stable.
Stable pH and kH parameters
are important for all
living organisms in the pond.
Too high, too low or fluctuating
values can impair or even damage
the fragile ecosystem. The OASE
stabilising water not only adjust
the pH and kH levels, they also
help to buffer them, thus making
it unnecessary to treat them too
often. Biological equilibrium can
be achieved this way.
One of the main challenges of
ponds and lakes is keeping the
water in a healthy equilibrium.
Most of the time, the cause of
a lack of equilibrium is surplus
nutrients in the water. Too high
nutrient levels result in excessive
algal growth. After stabilizing
the main water parameters, the
product range offers solutions
to combat nearly all kinds of algae.
The anti-algae products
are safe to use, and do not harm
other organisms in the ponds.
After combating algae the decaying
algae release free nutrients.
These free nutrients can become
the basis for new algae to grow,
often even faster than before.
Therefore it is imperative to
bind these free nutrients after
the algae treatment. OASE
some of the world's best nutrient
binders. The nutrients are bonded
in a way that means they can not
be used by algae as a food source.
Instead, they are able to act as a food
source for desired water plants.


Biological water treatments can be used to combat a whole host of common water quality issues.  It is always important to firstly test the lake or pond water parameters prior to introducing a water treatment and Water Garden Ltd have a practical selection of test kits for the major test parameters in lakes and ponds.

Biological algae treatments such as Viresco Aqua can be used alongside a lake aerator to eliminate and prevent regrowth of various common lake algae types. Biological water treatments are composed of only naturally occurring ingredients, such as aerobic strains of suppressing and digesting bacteria, so with no chemical content, there are no negative environmental implications when treating the water.

Silt digesters such as SediFree are dense, gritty and granular treatments that will sink to the lakebed amongst the silted areas and begin to digest the organic matter. Biological silt treatments consist primarily of bacteria cultures that live and feed on organic waste, replicating and repopulating exponentially in the right conditions for prolonged effectiveness.

Treatments such as PhosLess bind unwanted phosphates in the water. Phosphates are a key food source for algae and are present naturally, usually entering the water off the land and during heavy rainfall. Excess Phosphates can lead to algae blooms and green water. PhosLess binds this excess nutrient, starving algae of this fuel. Phosphate can be detected and measured with a good water testing kit.

Lake Dye can be used to prevent light penetration beyond the water surface. Blocking sunlight penetration stops photosynthesis and prevents invasive weeds and algae from being able to grow. Lake Dyes can also be used for aesthetic purposes, to alter the look of a water body, or to colour the water to protect fish stocks from predatory birds such as Herons and Cormorants by making the fish less visible to the predator in the tinted water. Lake Dye is environmentally safe and does not affect wildlife.

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