Protect your pond liners with a heavy-duty liner underlay from Water Garden. A pond underlay offers a protective layer between your pond liner and the ground, preventing any damage from sharp objects or rough terrain.
Before installing a flexible pond liner, it is very important to first cover the entire lining area with a layer of puncture resistant protective underlay. This matted geotextile material will safeguard the pond liner against puncturing from roots and sharp objects in the ground. A single protective layer of heavy duty underlaying material (250 grams per square metre) beneath the pond liner is sufficient to prevent sharp items penetrating the underside of the liner. Heavy duty Black Overlay of the same material can be installed on top of the pond liner if any natural aggregate will be installed over the liner. Black geotextile material is preferred when overlaying as it does not stand out on the pond floor. Underlay and Overlay come supplied on a 2 metre wide roll and can be cut into strips and sections using sharp scissors, to fit the ground excavation. It is important that strips of material overlap by a few inches, so that there are no gaps for roots to grow through. Protective Pond Underlay can be laid directly over soil, or over a layer of sand.