Box Welded Pond Liners offer a very neat way of lining formally constructed ponds.
Box welded pond liners are built around the precise internal dimension of constructed ponds. Being built to size and shape means that the liner can be fitted without any folding required, ensuring a neat fit with minimal wrinkling. In order to provide a quotation for a box welded liner, the internal dimensions of the pond construction are required. Usually, measurements for length, width and depth are sufficient to cost and supply a bespoke welded liner. If the pond design is a little more complex than a simple cube or cylinder, a plan drawing may be required in order to quote and construct the liner accurately. If a quotation is required, please feel free to Contact Us with your pond dimensions.
Box Welded Liners can be built in many shapes and sizes, with straight walls and flat floors, or with stepped depth levels if deeper areas and pond marginal shelves have been factored into the design and build. An overlap is always built in around the top perimeter of a welded liner, which is required to secure the top egde of the liner beneath coping or capping stones. The standard length of this top overlap flange is 150mm, but this can be increased to allow for more excess around the top perimeter if this is specified at the time of quoting.
Although manufactured to a specific shape and size, box welded liners are still flexible liners and therefore allow a little margin for error when sizing, as the EPDM and Butyl Rubber materials used to build these liners have excellent stretching properties. The flexibility also allows for these liners to be rolled up and packaged for transportation, which makes for much easier and less costly logistics than transporting and installing a preformed rigid pond would involve.
For more information, see Box Welded Pond Liners and What is a Box Welded Liner? or Contact Us directly to discuss.